MUHC launches $50-million fundraising campaign to fix broken hearts

The McGill University Health Centre is launching a fundraising effort Tuesday aimed at bringing the latest technology, cutting-edge equipment and brightest medical minds in cardiology to Montreal. With the Fix Broken Hearts campaign, the MUHC Foundation is looking to raise $50 million, $21 million of which has already been committed. That includes an $18-million donation […]

Gandhi Never Wore a Fitbit

Why the wearables movement desperately needs to take 10,000 steps. There are numbers that mean something to us viscerally. They elicit an image or a feeling without engaging our rational minds.  20 cms of snow. 714 home runs. 92 goals. 12 parsecs. And 10,000 steps.  Mahatma Gandhi did a lot of walking in his lifetime. He […]

Will AI inherit our mental disorders?

Will AI suffer from the things our real brains suffer from? Will it be as faulty and as vulnerable as real I? I certainly hope not. But it stands to reason, if the human brain is creating a faster, stronger version of itself, how will our flawed brains ensure its flaws are left out of the new design?  […]