We have assembled a list of useful links related to COVID-19 and digital health development.
You’ll find references to the latest Health Canada regulations, like the Interim Order (IO), the accelerated pathway for Medical Device Establishment License (MDEL), sale and import guidance for PPEs (like masks and face shields), medical device ventilator specifications, as well as FDA initiatives like the Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) and the official stance of the DHHS on medical ventilator authorization.
We have also included a growing list of digital health tech competitions aimed directly at COVID-19, emergency incubator programs and other useful news.
View our COVID-19 Resources.
COVID-19 Health Canada programs
- Changes to clinical trials: Health Canada announces another step to accelerate access to health products for COVID-19
- Information for industry: COVID-19 health product industry
- PPE: Information on personal protective equipment in relation to COVID-19
- PPE: COVID-19 medical masks and N95 respirators
- Ventilators: Notice: Importation or sale of ventilators – use of US FDA guidance and Canadian requirements for authorization under the Interim Order
- Authorized COVID-19 medical devices: Lists of medical devices for use in COVID-19 pandemic
- Interim order for medical device: Interim order for medical devices in relation to COVID-19
- Interim Order Guidance: Medical device Interim Order for COVID-19: Guidance document
FDA programs
- Emergency Use Authorization (EUA): FDA EUA information
- List of Issued EUAs: Emergency Use Authorizations
- US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS): Ventilator letter
COVID-19 News and Information
- PM Justin Trudeau: Daily Updates
- Health Canada: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Outbreak update
- World Health Organization (WHO): Director-General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 – 11 March 2020
- John Hopkins: COVID-19 Dashboard
- Government of Quebec: Resources and Information
- McGill MI4: News and updates
- Don Sheppard: Q&A on CBC Radio live
COVID-19 Programs and Resources
- Montreal Neurological Institute: The Neuro Open Science Pledge
- Canadian National Research Council (CNRC): The Pandemic Response Challenge program
- Canadian National Research Council (CNRC): COVID-19 Challenge: An intelligent digital clearing house
- Canadian National Research Council (CNRC): COVID-19 Programs
- Canadian National Research Council (CNRC): COVID-19 Community Support
- International Standards Organisation (ISO): Full medical ventilator standards available online
- International Electrotechnical Commission (ICE): Full critical care ventilator standards available on request
- Medtronic Ventilator specifications: Register to download ventilator files
- PHAC vent specs, HC scaled down specs: Specifications for COVID-19 products
- PHAC: Public Health Agency of Canada
- Santé Libre: Open, collaborative platform for COVID-19 Solutions
- Digital Health Institute for Transformation (DHIT): Webinar series
- HealthXL – COVID-19 Digital Solutions: Map of digital health companies with COVID-19 solutions
COVID-19 Tech contests and accelerator programs
- Digital Health Institute for Transformation: Virtual Incubator – Call for projects
- Makers Challenge: Video
- NGEN Manufacturing Canada: Help Canadian manufacturers meet critical shortages in the fight against COVID-19
- MGH Foundation: CODE LIFE Ventilator Challenge
- MGH Foundation CODE LIFE Ventilator Challenge: Contest site
- CODE LIFE challenge: Finalists’ video
- Bonjour Startup Montreal: Le défi COVID
- Scale AI: Call for projects
- Makers Challenge: COVID19 competition
- Age Well Canada: Startup challenge
- MedTech Innovator: Strategic road tour
- MedTech Innovator: Live
- Transmedtech: COVID-19 challenges
- CDL/Tech crunch: COVID-19 startup program
- TechStars: COVID Startup weekend
Help get PPEs where they are needed most
- Give to the MUHC Foundation: donate
- Give to the MGH Foundation: donate
- Give to the JGH foundation: donate
- Donnez à la Fondation du CHUM: donnez
- National Post – Opinion: We are infectious disease experts. It’s time to lift the COVID-19 lockdowns by Neil Rau, Susan Richardson, Martha Fulford and Dominik Mertz.
- New York Times: Lockdown Can’t Last Forever. Here’s How to Lift It by Gabriel Leung.
- A16Z: IT’S TIME TO BUILD by Marc Andreessen
- National Review: The upside of Sweden’s strategy
- The Guardian: The downside of Sweden’s strategy
- Medium.com: The future for Canadian small businesses on the other side of COVID-19 by Stephane Marceau of Thinking Capital
- Harvard Business Review: Why Companies Do “Innovation Theater” Instead of Actual Innovation by Steve Blank
- The Toronto Star: Canada orders 30,000 ventilators by Tonda MacCharles