COVID-19 Resources

We have assembled a list of useful links related to COVID-19 and digital health development.

You’ll find references to the latest Health Canada regulations, like the Interim Order (IO), the accelerated pathway for Medical Device Establishment License (MDEL), sale and import guidance for PPEs (like masks and face shields), medical device ventilator specifications, as well as FDA initiatives like the Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) and the official stance of the DHHS on medical ventilator authorization.

We have also included a growing list of digital health tech competitions aimed directly at COVID-19, emergency incubator programs and other useful news.

View our COVID-19 Resources.

COVID-19 Health Canada programs

FDA programs

COVID-19 News and Information

COVID-19 Programs and Resources

COVID-19 Tech contests and accelerator programs

Help get PPEs where they are needed most

  • Give to the MUHC Foundation: donate
  • Give to the MGH Foundation: donate
  • Give to the JGH foundation: donate
  • Donnez à la Fondation du CHUM: donnez


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BML Health

At the intersection of medical technology, clinical research and patient-centric health care, we manage the complex stakeholder interactions necessary to get digital health solutions to market and gain adoption.