COVID-19 Resources

We have assembled a list of useful links related to COVID-19 and digital health development. You’ll find references to the latest Health Canada regulations, like the Interim Order (IO), the accelerated pathway for Medical Device Establishment License (MDEL), sale and import guidance for PPEs (like masks and face shields), medical device ventilator specifications, as well […]

BML Technology is proud to be serving in the CODE LIFE Ventilator challenge

BML Technology is proud to be serving the Fondation du Centre universitaire de santé McGill / McGill University Health Centre Foundation CODE LIFE ventilator challenge. Thousands have entered and 100s have volunteered to help as mentors and advisers to teams working around the clock. Thank you Dr Reza Farivar and Stuart Kozlick, Eng., MASc. for […]

BML Technology extends a heartfelt thank you to all healthcare workers

BML Technology extends heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all healthcare workers at the Fondation du Centre universitaire de santé McGill / McGill University Health Centre Foundation, the CHUM – Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal and the Centre de recherche du CHUL (université Laval), all over Canada and the world. This relentless and fearless dedication […]

Gandhi Never Wore a Fitbit

Why the wearables movement desperately needs to take 10,000 steps. There are numbers that mean something to us viscerally. They elicit an image or a feeling without engaging our rational minds.  20 cms of snow. 714 home runs. 92 goals. 12 parsecs. And 10,000 steps.  Mahatma Gandhi did a lot of walking in his lifetime. He […]

Will AI inherit our mental disorders?

Will AI suffer from the things our real brains suffer from? Will it be as faulty and as vulnerable as real I? I certainly hope not. But it stands to reason, if the human brain is creating a faster, stronger version of itself, how will our flawed brains ensure its flaws are left out of the new design?  […]